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Work packages

Cooperative and Interlinked

EMBRACE consists of nine tightly inter-linked work packages (WPs). WP1 performs the tasks related to dissemination, communication, impact and stakeholder engagement. WP2 combines the theoretical and methodological dimensions of the project, from which comparative empirical research can be effectively carried out, and translates back the empirical findings into the theoretical debates in the fields of inquiry addressed through this project. The effects of EU Democracy Promotion (EUDP) are assessed quantitatively in WP3, creating a novel dataset on EUDP instruments, dimensions of democracy, and the domestic, regional and international factors that can block the positive effects of EUDP, covering 23 neighbours in the last two decades. In WP4, research focuses on configurations for democratic policy shifts after popular uprisings. The focus of WP5 is on questions of democratisation and economic modernisation in authoritarian and hybrid regimes. The nexus between democratisation and peace, and the blockages to both, are researched in WP6. The geopolitics of EUDP and the competition that the EU encounters in its efforts are at the core of WP7. Informed by these research findings and based on a sound needs assessment, WP8 develops innovations and new tools for EUDP. Professional project management is covered in WP9 to oversee and streamline all activities and to ensure that the project as a whole performs at a high-quality level on time and within budget.

EMRACE work packages: interlinked management leading to new tools for EUDP
  • WP1

    Policy and Social Impact, Dissemination, Communication, Stakeholders Engagement

    Lead beneficiary: Berghof (Berlin, Germany)
  • WP2

    Theory, Methodology and Ethics

    Lead beneficiary: JMU (Germany)
  • WP3

    Assessing the Effects of EUDP Quantitatively

    Lead beneficiary: SU (Stockholm, Sweden)
  • WP4

    Configurations for Democratic Policy Shifts after Popular Uprisings

    Lead beneficiary: ARI (France)
  • WP5

    Democratisation and Economic Modernisation in Authoritarian and Hybrid Regimes

    Lead beneficiary: MA (Maastricht, Netherlands)
  • WP6

    Blockages to Democratisation and Peace

  • WP7

    The Geopolitics of EUDP

    Lead beneficiary: ELIAMEP (Athens, Greece)
  • WP8

    Innovations and New Tools for EUDP

    Lead beneficiary: JMU (Germany)
  • WP9

    Project Management

    Lead beneficiary: Berghof (Berlin, Germany)