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News & Events

Project News

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This section keeps you updated on any major developments throughout the course of the EMBRACE project. For PDFs of our own press releases, please go to DOWNLOADS. To receive our project newsletter please subscribe here!

  • Panel on Democracy Promotion at German Political Science Association 2024: The Future the EU’s Democracy Promotion – In Search for Innovative Tools and Appropriate Policies

    The 29th Scientific Congress of the German Political Science Association (DVPW), held at Georg-August University in Göttingen from 24 to 27 September 2024, featured a joint panel organized by the Horizon Europe sister projects EMBRACE, REDEMOS, and SHAPEDEM-EU, together with the newly...

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  • Upcoming: Panel at the German Political Science Association

    EMBRACE will participate at the German Political Science Association (GPSA) on 24-27 September 2024 with a panel on “The Future the EU's Democracy Promotion - In Search for Innovative Tools and Appropriate Policies” at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. More information to follow.

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  • EMBRACE researchers at Conflict Research Society (CRS) Conference in Edinburgh

    Several EMBRACE partners participated in the annual CRS conference in Edinburgh, UK, where they presented their research insights at the interface between peacebuilding and democratization dynamics in the EU neighborhood (Work Package 6). EMBRACE coordinator Dr. Véronique Dudouet and her colleague Lara...

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  • EMBRACE Public Roundtable on EU policy in the Southern neighbourhood

    During its General Assembly meeting of EMBRACE in the southern German city of Würzburg, the EMBRACE consortium organised a public roundtable to take stock of the EU’s roles and perceptions in the Middle East and North Africa, and their implications for EU...

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  • EMBRACE General Assembly Meeting in Würzburg

    The EMBRACE consortium met at University of Würzburg for its 3rd General Assembly meeting in order to discuss the progress of the ongoing work and jointly plan ahead into an eventful and exciting last project year. As most of the data collection...

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  • First EMBRACE Policy Brief Released: Emerging Patterns of Blockages to Peace and Democratisation

    The first policy brief from the EMBRACE project, titled "Emerging Patterns of Blockages to Peace and Democratisation," has been released by Sandra Pogodda and Oliver Richmond from the University of Manchester. This brief presents some results of Work Package 6 on blockages...

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  • EMBRACE at ECPR Joint Sessions Workshop 2024

    Sonja Grimm and Nea Solander from the University of Würzburg (JMU) and Karina Shyrokykh from the University of Stockholm (SU) presented three papers to the 2024 ECPR Joint Sessions Workshop“Supporting and Promoting Democracy in the European Union’s Neighbourhood” at Leuphana University Lüneburg....

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  • Project Management Team retreat

    EMBRACE’s project management team – consisting of Véronique Dudouet and Karin Göldner-Ebenthal from Berghof Foundation, Sonja Grimm from University of Würzburg and Timo Lowinger from Concentris – met for a project planning retreat in Berlin on 22-23 February 2024. The team discussed...

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  • Successful reporting and review of Year 1 of EMBRACE

    We submitted our first Periodic Report for the EMBRACE project to the European Commission in November 2023. The review meeting was conducted with the project officer and external expert in January, and we are pleased with its positive outcomes! We look forward...

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  • EMBRACE Newsletter is online

    Read our first newsletter here and sign up for the next ones here!

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  • EMBRACE consortium mourns the loss of Mahmoud Alnaouq

    It is with deep sadness that we have learned about the passing of Mahmoud Alnaouq. He was killed in the shelling of Gaza, alongside his family, at the end of October. Mahmoud was a researcher at PalThink, an EMBRACE consortium partner. He...

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  • Conference presentation at the Serbian Political Science Association Annual Conference

    Daniel Bochsler (FPN) contributed a paper on “The imaginary power of revisionist external powers: Even the belief by domestic actors that it might unravel peace will seed mistrust and lead to a spiral of escalation” at the Serbian Political Science Association Annual...

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  • EMBRACE panel at Berlin conference

    EMBRACE organised a panel at the annual conference of the Institute for Protest and Social Movement Studies, “Social Movement and Peace Research in Dialogue”, on 5-6 October, co-organised by the INTERACT Center for Interdisciplinary Peace and Conflict Research at the Free University...

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  • Conference presentation on resisting the autocratic turn

    Sonja Grimm, Scientific Lead of EMBRACE (University of Würzburg) presented her research on the EU’s approach in the European neighbourhood and the influence of authoritarian powers therein at a conference organised by the Université libre de Bruxelles and the Cluster of Excellence...

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  • Stakeholder Meeting in Brussels

    EMBRACE pursues an inclusive approach to the research and established a total of 7 stakeholder committees. Of these, 6 are in the regions under study (see news items/LINK) and one is formed by stakeholders from EU institutions. Reaching out to the stakeholders...

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  • Videos online! EMBRACE on Youtube

    Check out our Videos! We produced more than 20 video clips during our methodology workshop in Konstanz, in April 2024, to offer some insights to the project. The introductory video provides a short overview of the aims and approach of the project....

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  • Joint Panel at EWIS 2023

    EMBRACE partners Sarah Rennick from ARI and Wicke van den Broek from Maastricht University were representing our project at the 10th European Workshop in International Studies of the European International Studies Association, together with our sister projects SHAPEDEM-EU and REDEMOS.

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  • Read our Theoretical Framework paper – 30 June 2023

    The EMBRACE consortium’s Theory Framework presents the conceptual underpinnings of our overall enquiry on blockages to democratisation and strategies to overcome them. It reviews existing approaches to the study of political closure, which can be explained through constellations of behavioural, institutional and...

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  • Stakeholder Committee Meeting for the Case Study of Belarus

    On 26 June, Maastricht University hosted the first online Stakeholder Committee meeting for the case study of Belarus. The Stakeholders present at the meeting are members from Civil Society organizations, which are connected with and committed to a democratic future for Belarus....

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  • Stakeholder Meeting in Belgrade

    The meeting started with a 30-minute presentation of the overall structure, aims, and objectives of the Embrace project, with the emphasis on four working packages (WP) where cases from the Western Balkans are represented. The discussion of 90 minutes followed. Participants focused...

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  • Stakeholder Meeting in Tunisia

    In June, ARI invited civil society stakeholders to attend a meeting for the EMBRACE project. The purpose of the meeting was to present the objectives and research activities of EMBRACE, and more specifically the work that will be carried out on Tunisia,...

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  • First Stakeholder Committee Meeting of the Ukraine Research Team

    Within the framework of the Horizon Europe project “Embracing change: Overcoming Blockages and Advancing Democracy in the European Neighbourhood” the first stakeholder committee meeting of the Ukraine research team took place in the online format on June 20, 2023. During the meeting...

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  • Stakeholder Committee Meeting for the South Caucasus

    The EMBRACE stakeholder committee meeting for the South Caucasus took place on June 19, 2023, in Tbilisi, Georgia. It was held in a hybrid format at Ilia State University and via Zoom. The meeting was a joint effort of Ghent University and...

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  • First Stakeholder Committee Meeting in Gaza City

    Pal-Think for Strategic Studies Holds the First Stakeholder Committee Meeting in Gaza City, occupied Palestinian Territory Pal-Think for Strategic Studies recently conducted its first stakeholder committee meeting as part of the project titled "Embracing Change: Overcoming Obstacles and Advancing Democracy in the...

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  • Theory and Methodology Workshop, 26.-28. April 2023, Konstanz Germany

    The consortium of the EU-funded research project EMBRACE (EMBRAcing ChangE: Overcoming obstacles and advancing democracy in the European Neighbourhood) gathered at the end of April in Konstanz for the Methodology Workshop. As a kick-off to the event, a public Roundtable on the...

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  • Stakeholder Analysis & Dissemination and Communication Plan ready

    We have developed both the “Stakeholder Map (D7.1) as well as the “Dissemination & Communication Plan” (D7.2), two major deliverables of WP7 that identify the project’s stakeholders and outline a detailed strategy, tasks, responsibilities, and release dates for internal communication, dissemination towards...

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  • Successful Kick-off Meeting in March 2021

    EMBRACE successfully kicked off in form of an online meeting on 17 March 2021. Consortium members outlined the work ahead over the next 12 months, elected the Impact Board (IB), made first decisions, and incorporated valuable feedback from the scientific and ethical...

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